Bible-centered coaching to help you find hope & clarity after loss, abuse, and betrayal.

Helping women go from feeling hopeless to hope-filled. 

If you’re struggling under the weight of a relationship that’s harming you, an inability to set boundaries, feeling overwhelmed with life, or not knowing what your next steps are to move out of a difficult place, I want you to know things can be different than the way they are. This weight was never meant for you.

Find out how you can regain your peace and sanity:

Overcomer’s Course

The Overcomer’s Course is designed for women who are tired of struggling, to learn how to go from feeling overwhelmed to overcoming. The 13 week group coaching program opens every New Year and again in the late Spring and Fall. Click below link to find out more!


Click below to learn more about 1-1 Mental Health & Life coaching or if you’re seeking Abuse Recovery Coaching to schedule a free clarity call. In this free consultation, I help you make sense of what’s been happening and give you some action steps for gaining clarity about your marriage.


Check out the resources page, which has free downloads and information to help you in your journey to thriving. Also, the blog page is updated regularly with questions from women just like you. Here you can submit your own questions to be answered in a future post.

Are you confused about your marriage or struggling to understand if the problems in your marriage are normal?

  • You’re not alone. 

  • You don’t have to struggle through cycles of hurt and pain without answers. 

  • You can regain your health and even happiness.

  • It’s possible to have peace in your home, even if everything you’ve tried before hasn’t worked.

  • You don’t have to suffer in silence, in fact, God doesn’t expect you to.


Hi, I’m Darah. Here you’ll find a bit more about my story & how your story and my story likely intersect. 

I love sharing about the things that matter in life…health, healing, faith, family, and relationships. But most of all I love helping women move from feeling overwhelmed and under equipped to feeling like an overcomer who is ready to move forward in the plans God has for them!

If you’re in that place of overwhelm, feeling burnt out, or in a place of uncertainty in your marriage, I hope you’ll stay and connect, because I believe you were created for more. That’s where I hope I can be of some help. It’s my passion to help women just like you learn how to go from surviving to thriving.

God wants you & your children to have:

peace, safety, and sanity.

He never meant for you to just survive, but rather, He designed you to thrive. 



Would you like to go from surviving to thriving?

Do you feel overwhelmed? Like you are you running full steam ahead, but not getting anywhere? Maybe you feel a lack of energy for everyday challenges or struggle with your emotions, your relationships, or your purpose in life. I can relate. That’s why I created a program that helps support you find your way out of feeling overwhelmed. If any of this describes you, then the Overcomer's Course was designed with you in mind!


Looking for one-on-one support?

Tired of feeling overwhelmed, overstressed and under equipped for all that life throws your way? You don’t have to stay stuck in old patterns and struggles. I offer individualized coaching sessions for women who are in destructive marriages or question if they are, and I also work with women in hard places dealing with grief, burnout, healing from emotional wounds, or are struggling with their relationships or emotions. These sessions are for women who are in need of a more personalized approach.