You weren’t created to live life in survival mode.

You were designed for so much more!

My hope is that through the resources and programs you find here, you can begin your journey towards healing, so you can go from surviving to thriving! 

My Story

Hi, my name is Darah (think Sarah with a “D”) and I’m glad you’re here.

Let me tell you a little about my story. I’ve experienced life at its best and I’ve lived during seasons of deep overwhelm. Maybe that’s where you’re at right now. I understand both and I’m living proof you don’t have to stay stuck in those dark places. Our situations may look different in some ways, but often there is an interconnectedness in the hard times we all face.

I am a woman who loves her family, but even more important, I love my Heavenly Father. He is my constant, my life line. My family and I served for many years as full time missionaries and during that time I became more acquainted with pain—at its deepest level. I met people from all over the world that were just merely surviving. It was during this time that I too was just surviving, though I didn’t know it then. I was busy going through the motions, yet was dealing with hard, life altering things. By the grace of God I was able to move out of the pain and move on wiser and more equipped to handle life’s challenges.

It was during those years that God called me to go deeper in my own healing journey and to use the lessons I learned to help others. That’s why I’ve dedicated my time and energy to walking alongside others in their healing journeys. As an Abuse Recovery Coach, with a master’s degree in counseling specializing in crisis and trauma, I have a special passion for helping women who are seeking clarity from destructive relationships and habits.

I am also passionate about equipping churches so they can better address domestic abuse, as well as how the church can come alongside those who are struggling with overwhelm, emotional struggles, and harmful relationships.

Speaking and Retreats

Darah is available to speak to groups at churches, training sessions, retreats, and events. She has a special passion for speaking at women’s retreats to uplift and encourage other women. 


  • Domestic violence awareness

  • Helping ministry/pastoral workers identify and care for the abused

  • Forgiving the unforgivable—while not forgetting

  • Toxic emotions and how they affect our health